Dementia Care

at a Glance

Catharine Jenkins, Laura Ginesi, Berni Keenan

Multiple Choice: Chapter 19 Common dementia-related problems

Question 1. People with dementia behave in ways that are difficult for other people to cope with because:

A. They try to communicate their frustration by being awkward
B. The dementia-related harm to their brain means that they are not able to control their responses as they would have done previously
C. They may have an unmet need. For example they may be in pain, but when they do not receive pain relief they become irritable
D. There is probably a combination of factors that affect each individual. Unmet needs and damage to the frontal lobes of the brain (causing disinhibition) and the temporal lobes (causing language problems) together with the approaches of other people all make a difference to the behaviour of person with dementia