
at a Glance

Deepak Joshi, Geri Keane, Alison Brind

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.

A 51-year-old gentleman presented to clinic with abnormal LFTs. He was found to have chronic hepatitis B and was diagnosed with Child-Pugh A cirrhosis. He had no episodes of decompensation or variceal bleeding before. A variceal screening gastroscopy was performed which demonstrated grade II varices with no red signs.

What is the best management plan?

A. Variceal band ligation with repeat surveillance in six months' time
B. Referral for transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)
C. Trial of a selective beta blocker and repeat surveillance endoscopy in one year
D. Endoscopic sclerotherapy and surveillance in 12 months' time
E. Referral for liver transplantation.