Learning Disability Nursing

at a Glance

Bob Gates, Debra Fearns, Jo Welch

Case Studies

Case 13: Ageing and people with learning disability

John is 67 years old and lives with his sister, Jenny, who works part-time as a teaching assistant. John has a mild learning disability, is overweight and retired 2 years ago from his job as a trolley collector for a supermarket. John takes medication for high blood pressure and now weighs 120 kg. He is finding it harder to walk and has difficulty sleeping; he wakes up several times a night. John has recently started complaining to Jenny that he is bored and fed up and no longer has any friends. Jenny is finding it a strain having John around all the time and they are both unhappy.

  • 1. What are the potential reasons why John is being affected negatively by old age?

    Correct answer:

    • Physical health vulnerabilities - John is overweight which may contribute to his sleep issues, as well as to his high blood pressure and difficulty in walking.
    • Psychological vulnerabilities deterioration - lack of activity/opportunity is not uncommon.
    • Few people with learning disabilities experience retirement - little planning may have taken place, so John may not have had the opportunity to prepare in an appropriate manner.
    • May not be aware of social support/activities outside the home for retired people.
    • Has lost social networks/sense of purpose.

  • 2. What is the role of the learning disability nurse in such a scenario?

    Correct answer:

    • Start transition planning a few years prior to retirement age.
    • Ensure Health Action Plan is current and meeting the needs of the person with learning disability (LD).
    • Identify relevant services that can support the person with LD and lessen isolation.
    • Plan for future health and social care needs of John.
    • Identify social support to lessen John’s reliance on his sister.
    • Involve an advocacy service to help John express his wishes.
    • Ensure John is in receipt of all the appropriate benefits to help him maintain his independence.

Please see Chapter 37, 52 and 64.

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